View of Life
I have views of life that are constantly changing in some aspects and never do in others. I will explain the views that never change first, and then the ones that constantly change. I have always been trying to find the best views of life to have, some of which is influenced by others, and some of which I come up with in my head. Usually the ones that I am influenced with are the good ones.
Views of moral standards never change. I believe in a firm and strict obedience to what I know is right. I know that I am weak, and if I do not follow the rules, I will not succeed. I do not think to ever change my moral values and standards. That is a part of who I am. I feel it defines me. I cannot be the same person, even have the same personality if I do not stick by my moral standards.
I also believe in following the Lord, and his followers. I know that I can trust Him, and try not to ever abandon his judgment. I want to be like him, but realize it is impossible without him, and will not be able to unless I am constantly trying to be better. I want to always do the right thing. It is something that is inside me. It always is the question of my thoughts also. If I am doing what is right, 100%, I am happy, and feel satisfied. If I am not, I cannot feel comfortable. I cannot let things slide. Sometimes it is a curse, because I become as the Pharisees.
I come from a family that serves in the church, and only accepts success. I will succeed also. I know that I have it in me. I do not want to let my parents down, and my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, and everyone that is around me. I have very high expectations of myself, and sometimes it is a little too much. Sometimes I expect perfection of myself, which is obviously not a rational expectation. My family on both sides makes me proud to be their descendant. I want to be like them, and make them proud. I worry about making people proud of me a little too much sometimes. As I want them to say to me that I have done a good job, I do not feel adequate sometimes to do what is expected of me. I have become someone who demands a lot of obedience, and discipline. Because of that I believe I have become too serious of a person. I have become someone who does not joke around enough. I need to lighten up sometimes. I am also too hard on myself.
My view of politics is that it is very hard to create a government and political system without the spirit, and a perfect organization as the Lord would set it up. It is so hard in fact, that I find it not useful sometimes to even look at the different sides of politics. I am conservative, and believe in the pursuit of what someone wants and needs to do. I do believe that there should be a balance of what one can do. The laws are important to keep an order somewhat.
I believe the Economy is a little off. If we could have free trade we would be better off. It would create a very high incentive for working and everyone would produce more. There are many people in the United Stated who need to work harder, but they do not because the Government takes care of them with our hard work. I realize that it is not easy to change, but I believe that having free trade would solve a lot of problems. These problems such as, the government taking too much money from us and using it wrongfully, and “free-Loaders” who do not work, but receive money, are problems that could be solved through free trade. I believe that there are also difficulties along with that with the virtue of the people however. The laws do help to keep some crime down and some are protected because of them too.
History is something that everyone should learn. I do not like it, I find it boring, and hard to understand, but I believe it is a very important part of everyone knowing what we can do to not repeat our own mistakes. I think it is necessary for everyone to learn who they are, and where they came from in order to figure out where they are going. I think we can learn so very much from the past. Take the scruptures for example. They teach us of what has happened. They allow us to learn from the mistakes and successes of others. We are the same as the people in the past, the only thing that has changed is technology. We should all learn our heritage, and also learn from the past constantly. I believe we can use history as a tool in order to learn more, and be much, much wiser if we learn it from someone who has been through it.
I think, overall the family relationships are the most important thing to focus on. If I could pick one thing to do well at, it would to have a strong family, and love them. I think there are many things that take away from the beauty of a family in this world, and many things don’t allow us to have joy in the family like we could, but I also believe that if we work hard and do not give in to the temptations of the world, we will prevail. The Lord is on our side, and that is the most comforting thing I can think of in my life.
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